Principle Investigators
- David Bertioli, Principal Investigator (Department of Crops and Soil Sciences)
- Georgia Research Alliance
- Distinguished Investigator and Professor
- Ph.D. Virology, University of Oxford, UK
- B.Sc. Botany, University of Duhram, UK
- 706-296-4832
- Soraya Leal-Bertioli, Principal Investigator (Department of Plant Pathology)
- Senior Research Scientist
- Ph.D. Plant Sciences, Nottingham University, UK
- B.Sc. Biological Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brazil.
- 706-296-4863
Research Staff
- Brian Abernathy, Scientific Computing Professional
- Bioinformatics, system administration, UAS imaging and sensing
- B.Sc. in Telecommunications and Networking Technology, Purdue University
- Jenny Leverett, Laboratory Supervisor II
- B.S.Ed. in Health and Physical Education, University of Georgia
- 706-255-6931
- Mark Hopkins, Center for Applied Genetic Technologies Laboratory Parapro/Pro
- B.Sc. Plant Pathology, B.Sc. Microbiology (1985) University of Georgia
- M.Sc. Plant Pathology (1988) University of Georgia
- Tyler Huckabee, Laboratory Technician
- Lab Parapro at Complex Carbohydrate Research Center UGA (2020-2021)
- Yun-Ching Tsai, Post-Doctoral Associate (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- Ph.D. Plant Pathology (2023), University of Georgia
- M.Sc. Plant Pathology (2014), University of Georgia
- B.Sc. Plant Pathology (2010), National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
- Alyr Mounirou, Post-Doctoral Associate (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- Ph.D. Plant and Microbial Biotechnologies, and Plant Breeding (2023), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
- M.Sc. Plant and Microbial Biotechnologies (2017), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
- B.Sc. Biology, Chemistry and Geoscience option Science of life (2014), Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal
Graduate Students
- Samuele Lamon, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. Crop and Soil Sciences (2019), University of Georgia.
- M.Sc. Sustainable Agriculture (2019), University of Padua, Italy.
- B.Sc. Agricultural Science and Technology (2016), University of Padua Italy.
- Emile Cora Barnes, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. Biotechnology (2019), University of South Florida
- B.A. Cell and Molecular Biology (2019), New College of Florida
- Namrata Maharjan, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. in Biological Sciences (2021), South Dakota State University, U.S.A.
- B.Sc. in Agriculture (2017), Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
- B.Sc. in Environmental Science (2015), Tribhuvan University, Nepal
- Brandon Tonnis, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. in Biological Sciences (2002), University of Cincinnati, U.S.A.
- B.Sc. in Biology (1999), Xavier University, U.S.A.
- Daniel Matusinec (Dan), Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics (2021), University of Wisconsin
- B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences and Political Science (2019), University of Wisconsin
- Alexi Dong, Ph.D. Student (Department of Plant Pathology)
- B.Sc. in Plant Science (2021), University of Florida
- Danielle Ama Essandoh, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics)
- M.Sc. Plant Breeding and Seed Systems (2021), Makerere University, Uganda
- B.Sc. Crop Science (Plant pathology, 2017), University of Ghana, Ghana
- Millicent Avosa, Ph.D. Student (Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics)
- M.Sc. Plant Breeding and Seed Systems (2021), Makerere University, Uganda
- B.Sc. Horticulture with IT, Maseno University